Tales of Text Posts
Meme Central for the Tales of Text Post Memes
Twitter acct is a bot that posts one of my many memes 4 times a day! Bot may repeat posts, see bot info. Tumblr acct updated when items are in queue, posts twice a day!
Replies/Likes/DMs/RTs/etc. manual
About Tales of Text Posts
Once upon a time my friend (the mod of another text post meme blog) kind of inspired me to start making Tales text post memes. It started simple, as a hobby of primarily Symphonia characters just posted to my personal blog. Now it covers more games than I care to count and has a twitter and tumblr account separate from my own.
You're more than welcome to @ me/DM me/indirect me on twitter if you'd like me to retweet your meme/a submission. Unfortunately, I don't check tumblr as often, so submissions there may take longer. I might also spam rt your text post memes if you have a thread and I would like to formally apologize in advance to both OPs and followers for my habits.
If you DM me your meme to be posted directly to the account, I will credit you! If you would like to request a meme for a specific character, if you can provide me with the text post and tell me what character you want it for, I can make it, and will add a note that it was requested by you!
Unfortunately, I don't check the accounts for ToTP very often, so there may be a delay in me seeing a message. I'll do my best to respond when I get a chance.
A majority of my edits are for games I've personally played, which include Phantasia, Symphonia, Symphonia 2 (Dawn of the New World), Abyss, Graces, Vesperia, Xillia, Xillia 2, Zestiria, and Berseria. I'm also vaguely-ish familiar with a few other titles including Eternia, and I've played Link and am currently playing Crestoria.
Who are You?

Pearl | they/them | 25
I'm Mod Pearl, a long time Tales fan and meme enthusiast. I'm always tired and always ready for a nap.
My claim to fame is that one time I got banned from the Aselia wiki for editing Asbel's wiki page to say he was in love with Richard. I know frankly more random Tales trivia than is necessary (though it's all entirely useless and trivial) and if you're like "why are you never around" it's because I have ✨ ADHD ✨ (who ever saw that one coming?)
I'm still hyper into Tales (as it is a hyperfixation of mine!) but I talk about Somnium Files, Bayonetta, and Astral Chain on main a lot.
I honestly try not to talk on this account very often just because it's a meme account, more than anything else! If you do want to talk to me, feel free to send me a DM...maybe I'll make another discord server (half kidding)! I'm always available on my main tho.
Also if you like my memes you should totally read my fanfiction because my Sitcom AU is a literary masterpiece of Tales crossovers and also I've written some other good Tales fics! Although it's probably a lot of Somnium Files at this point.
How does the bot work?
This account is run through a bot made with Cheap Bots, Done Quick! It's the same bot that the mikumikufigures account uses, as well as plenty of other accts.
Once an hour, the bot randomly selects one of the many memes available and posts it to Twitter, along with a hashtag for the game. Technically it randomly selects a game via the hashtag first and then selects a meme that's been sorted by game.
As the bot is completely random, I cannot guarantee when a specific meme will post, and there may be duplicates if the game doesn't have many memes. As every hashtag is given equal priority, a game with only one or two memes, such as Tempest, is just as likely to be chosen as a game with a lot more, such as Symphonia. Games with more memes are less likely to see repeats because there's more for the bot to pick from, but games with only one or two choices will likely see a lot of repeats. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ nothing I can do about it except make more memes, really, but it's doubtful every game will reach the amount ones like Symphonia and Xillia have.
If you're searching for a specific meme via game or character, I highly suggest you check out the tags page on the Tumblr account. Twitter does not have a very easy way of sorting through posts by an account, but I'm hoping the hashtags may make the process easier in the future.
Replies, likes, retweets, and any other form of interaction are done manually, by the mod.
Tales of Art ARchive
Looking for literally thousands of images of official Tales series art compiled in one place so they're easily accessible? Look no further than my Tales of art files!
If you DO use any of these images, credit is not required! They are official art compiled from various sources. But you would know that if you read the "Read Me" file. In using these images, you agree to everything in that document. Meaning you're not going to complain about pictures missing or ask me something stupid, mmkay?
I will not answer any questions that are addressed in the document. If you complain about something minor, I firstly beg of you to ask yourself why you feel the need to do that when I literally compiled thousands of images For Free and second of all if too many of y'all start complaining I'm going to take the link down. Them's the fuckin breaks.
How does the bot work?
Please see the tab labelled "bot info" for an explanation.
Do you make all of these?
Yes. I do. Unless they are reblogged/retweeted or tagged with #submission or a note saying they were submitted!
Can I get the picture you used for a specific meme without the text post on it?
Uhhh...yes...! Or no. If it's an older meme generally the ones that have Tumblr's old format but this isn't always the case, I likely do not have the original image on hand. Anything made during 2021 and onwards I have the images available because I've been compiling Tales official art! I may put up a link to the massive folders soon. We'll see.
Can I submit a meme?
Yes! You can submit a finished meme to me on Tumblr or Twitter, or if you have a text post you'd like made into a meme for a specific character, send me a screenshot of the text post and tell me what character you want and I'll go ahead and make it for you.
You should’ve done x for y meme! / X would be great for y character!
A lot of these are really, REALLY old and I didn't get into Tales games aside from Symphonia properly until like...2015 maybe. Before the twitter account was the tumblr account and before the tumblr account was me posting these to my personal blog, so
I don't think this meme is funny/agree with your characterization.
I'm sorry you feel that way.
This meme is outdated/the image quality isn't stellar.
I made most of these in like 2015-2016 when I was Younger and didn't have access to the amount of resources I have now, I'm sorry. Also most of these were made because I personally thought they were funny at the time. It's okay if you don't agree.
Why are there so many repeat posts?
See the bot info tab.
Can I post one of your Text Post Memes somewhere that isn’t Tumblr/Twitter?
I don’t mind! As long as it’s not Tumblr or Twitter. If you post it somewhere other than those two, just a credit/link back to either account is fine! If you want it on Tumblr, I’d rather you just reblog it from the blog. Likewise, retweet it from the Twitter.
The only exception are submissions, you’d have to ask the person who made it, not me. (Or I can ask them for you)
What is your personal Twitter/Tumblr?
idm sharing exactly but you can just ask me via DM if you really want it or whatever. I don't do very much Tales posting on my personal accts, tho my gaming sideblog is pretty Tales heavy. But. I'm also not on Tumblr v often
What time zone are you in?
I'm in Central Time now.